
Collaudo prestazionale di Strato di Usura

Studio commissionato da AR Italia per il Comune di Livorno, eseguito da Studio Associato Alfinito Nencini La Russa.

In merito alla caratterizzazione acustica prestazionale del manto d’usura realizzato con tecnologia Asphalt Rubber nel tratto urbano di Livorno – quartiere Coteto è stato compiuto un test di tipo statistico sulla rumorosità dei passaggi dei veicoli a varie velocità, secondo una tecnica candidata al recepimento all’interno delle linee guida della Regione Toscana per la progettazione ed il controllo delle pavimentazioni stradali della viabilità ordinaria. Continua a leggere

Safe and Quiet Roads

Safe and Quiet Roads from Doug Carlson on Vimeo.

Road surfaces can be enhanced by the use of recycled tire rubber in asphalt materials to provide increased skid resistance, reduced splash and spray in inclement weather, greater visibility and safety. Also, the porous and permeable mixes made with tire rubber are extremely quiet, reducing tire noise by 80% or more when compared to old rough concrete surfaces. This video addresses the rubberized asphalt technology that can help agencies better serve the public by producing safer, quieter and sustainable pavements.

Road to the Future

Road to the Future from Doug Carlson on Vimeo.

This is an informational video about the Rubber Pavements Association. The RPA is a non-profit trade association dedicated to greater usage of high quality, cost effective asphalt pavements containing recycled tire rubber. The RPA conducts technology transfer through workshops and seminars and field tours for those that wish to implement this technology to beneficial reuse scrap tires in more durable and longer lasting pavements.
Tires are very tough and they can make road materials tougher.

Wet process

California Rubberized Asphalt 101 from Doug Carlson on Vimeo.

Overview of the history, production and placement of asphalt modified by scrap tire rubber in California. Rubberized Asphalt Concrete beneficially reuses 2000 tires per lane mile to help prevent cracking in roads and can be used in thinner layers, 2:1 reduction compared to regular asphalt.
The video was produced by the California Scrap Tire program to help educate public works engineers that are interested in trying the material.